Thursday 18 March 2021

Seize the Day!

Can you guess what the Mini Challenge word is at More Than Words this month? If you saw the Main Challenge word, Carpe Diem, you might guess. Yes, it's SEIZE!

I made an ATC:

The eyes are from the Faces & Figures stack from ArtStacks. Aren't they striking? They're on tissue and the tissue just disappears into your project when it's glued on. 

The flowers are also on tissue, this time from the Anemones & Friends stack.

I hope you can join in the challenge this month. You can find it here. :)

Happy scrappin!


Saturday 13 March 2021

Queen of Poppies

Hello! I've been playing with my ArtStacks papers again! I was influenced by two inspirational artists for this page - Lisa Oxley and Megan Whisner-Quinlan. Lisa has made a couple of art journal pages using ArtStacks' poppies paper as a dress and I wanted to give that idea a go. Megan recently made an awesome page of a Queen of Hearts. This inspired me to make a Queen of Poppies page. Surely every deck of cards needs another suit? Haha.

I used one of the gorgeous faces from the Faces & Figures stack, dressed her in a dress made from the poppies paper from the Anemones & Friends stack and gave her a gold crown. 

For a bit of fun I added some diamonds, hearts, clubs and spades to the background and a large 'Q', like a playing card has, in the corner.

I'd love to see what you can create with ArtStacks' faces and poppy paper!

Happy scrappin'!


Monday 8 March 2021

The Beauty of Old Paper

Welcome back! Have you seen the challenge at Kraft+ yet? You have to use torn paper on your project - too easy!

I'm having a bit of a crush on really old papers at the moment so I made a page dedicated to this. I made the page entirely from an ArtStacks pack - 'The Homemaker'. 

I wrote a little poem......

Some of the papers in The Homemaker stack are nearly 100 years old. I found an image of a writer on that paper and thought it was very appropriate to the subject of the page.

Will you join in the challenge this month? You can find it here.

Happy scrappin'!


Tuesday 2 March 2021

Sieze the Day!

Hello! Have you seen the new challenge at More Than Words yet? The challenge is to be inspired by the saying "Carpe Diem" and to use Markmaking on your project.

For those who might not be familiar with the saying, it means "seize the day" which mean to make the most of every opportunity. I love this concept. I'm a big believer in being proactive in all aspects of life.

We had a beach holiday recently and I loved taking every opportunity to get out and explore this beautiful country. I used this concept as the basis for my layout.

I actually made this while I was on holidays. I had very few supplies with me so I drew the tree. There are a number of really old, gnarled cypress trees where we were so I used those as inspiration for my tree. It's kind of a Tree of Life too. Everything else was added digitally, although the coloured background and title were from a geli print I had previously made.

Will you give this challenge a go? You can find the details at

Happy scrappin'!
